Wednesday, April 25, 2007

China with open arms

We headed into china yesterday with our new friend Dawa Sherpa who is in charge of Asian Trekking. I convinced Rachel that the big sign on the border written in chinese said "China welcomes you with open arms".

We parted ways with Dawa this morning and now we are in the hands of the chinese for 3 more days until we arrive in basecamp. The hotel we are staying in tonight has duct taped walls, smells a little rancid, and the food is a rather interesting (check out the photo in the On Our Way post). We are tough, so we will make it through.

This morning we went on an amazing acclimization hike to the top of a mountain right next to town. It was a little tough with the altitude, but now we both feel a lot better. At the top we were surrounded by huge mountains and hundreds of prayer flags.

Today is probably the last day we will have internet for the next month. I just wanted to tell everyone thank you for all of your hard work and help with raising money and awareness for LUNGevity. Halle made us a wonderful flag with Lungevity's logo and Jackie O's pub and brewery so our goal is to get it on the discovery channel to raise as much awareness as we can.

And all of you satellite adventurers it looks like rachel and i will just be arriving at base camp and going for a hike. We will be thinking of you all. Thank you for everything, be safe, and nothing crazy (this means Daddy McGee no jumping off of any bridges).


Blogger Sheree Dormann said...

Katie - I am glad that you both arrived safe and I am sure you are thrilled to see Brian. From the very coldest part of the world, to Jenn's adventure of sailing the Carribean, I never would have guessed growing up what all of you could do. You should all be extremely proud of your accomplishments. Have a safe journey and look forward to reading your blog. Will keep all of you in my prayers. Sheree Dormann

12:36 PM  
Blogger Mr. Weddle said...

whuts up you sissy boys? we've been sending you some serious good ju-ju mind altering body stimulating thought waves from deep within the fort. i'm glad you are all doing well. be strong.
justin-...i'm taking care of all the ladies in are the yaks treating you?

10:24 AM  
Blogger Dalene said...

You're lookin' good girls! ARE YOU WARM?:)Looks damn cold....I'm checking the blog now throughout the day. Big hugs to all of you! Call me if you need anything Rach :)

11:57 AM  
Blogger Mindy said...

Hello from the Rankin Ranch we are all glad to here that you are doing good. Be safe up to base camp and good luck with the cold weather. I deposited more money today and we have some more coming. We are off to the satelite climb so i will up-date you on that when we get back.

Love ya,


2:26 PM  
Blogger Martha said...

Hi Girls!! We miss you here! Thanks for posting the photos--so amazing. The Satellite climb was lovely. Bobby and I decided to summit Squaw Mountain, after seeing that there was not much snow for backcountry skiing. We snowshoed up to a fire tower at summit where we could see all the entire mountain range plus denver. We thought of you on top of the world! We also got message via satellite that Daddy McGee was able to summit the highest point in southern Alabama with no oxygen.
Love you!

10:26 AM  

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